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Amikor másként tekintünk dolgokra, gyakran képesek leszünk pozitívabban cselekedni. 500 vezetővel dolgozunk egyidőben, és az ő velünk megosztott tapasztalataikra támaszkodva Executive Coachaink rendszeresen megosztják legfrissebb gondolataikat, hogy ezzel is naprakészen tartsuk kollektív megértésünket a vezetői szakmáról.

Macro to micro | Praesta Executive coaching

Inspirációs útmutatók

Merüljön el a vezetéssel kapcsolatos mélyreható meglátásainkban azokról a kérdésekről, amelyekkel a vállalkozások és vezetőik ma szembesülnek.

Immerse yourself in our in-depth insights about leadership on the issues facing businesses and their leaders today.

Insights Library

The five Ps of presence | Praesta Executive coaching

Purpose, Preparation, Practice, Perseverance, Partnership

Grace Insight | Praesta Executive coaching

A fresh approach to gravitas at work

Leading for the long term | Praesta Executive coaching

Creating a sustainable future

Resilient leader | Praesta Executive coaching

Ideas and reflections on the pressures of working life and how you keep your resilience, both as a leader and as an individual.

Leading virtual Teams | Praesta Executive coaching

Living with Contradiction and Uncertainty

Resilient Teams | Praesta Executive coaching

Stretching team thinking about what is possible.

Four V's of leadership | Praesta Executive coaching

Vision, Values, Value-added, Vitality

Board Players | Praesta Executive coaching

How Chairs, Independent Directors and CEOs make their boards effective.

Job Sharing | Praesta Executive coaching

A Model for the Future Workplace?

Knowing the score | Praesta Executive coaching

What we can learn about leadership from music and musicians.

Living leadership | Praesta Executive coaching

Finding Equilibrium

Age of agility | Praesta Executive coaching

Agility – how to wait, watch, and make fast, decisive moves at the right time – has become a core source of survival and long-term competitive advantage.

Great chair in Public Sector Praesta Insight | Praesta Executive coaching

The key ingredients for success in the role.

So few women on boards | Praesta Executive coaching

Lessons from Coaching


Each month, Praesta Senior Executive Coaches share ideas in a succinct and practical, five-minute read.

Flexing your leadership style

Using authority well

Handling uncertainty

Managing the chatter in our heads

Creating a sustainable future

Looking after your resilience

What makes a great team


Below is a selection of books written by our coaches for more in depth reading and research.

The Art and Psychology of Board Relationships: The Secret Life of Boards Paperback
26 Sept. 2023 by Joy Harcup (Author), Helen Hopper (Author)

Shaping your Future Leadership
by Peter Shaw. Norwich:  Canterbury Press 2023

The Power of Leadership Metaphors: 200 prompts to stimulate your imagination and creativity.
By Peter Shaw. London: Marshall Cavendish, 2021

Leadership to the Limits: freedom and responsibility.
By Peter Shaw. Norwich: Canterbury Press, 2020

100 Great Leading Through Frustration Ideas.
By Peter Shaw. London: Marshall Cavendish, 2019

100 Great Handling Rapid Change Ideas.
By Peter Shaw. London: Marshall Cavendish, 2018

Living with never-ending expectations.
By Peter Shaw and Graham Shaw. Vancouver: Regent College Publishing 2017

100 Great Leading Well Ideas.
By Peter Shaw. London: Marshall Cavendish, 2016

The Reluctant Leader: coming out of the shadows.
By Peter Shaw and Hilary Douglas. Norwich: Canterbury Press, 2016

100 Great Building Success Ideas.
By Peter Shaw. London: Marshall Cavendish, 2016

Wake Up and Dream: stepping into your future.
By Peter Shaw. Norwich: Canterbury Press, 2015

100 Great Team Effectiveness Ideas.
By Peter Shaw. London: Marshall Cavendish, 2015

Sustaining Leadership: renewing your strength and sparkle.
By Peter Shaw. Norwich: Canterbury Press, 2014

Celebrating Your Senses.
By Peter Shaw. Delhi: ISPCK, 2014

100 Great Coaching Ideas.
By Peter Shaw. London: Marshall Cavendish 2014

100 Great Personal Impact Ideas.
By Peter Shaw. London: Marshall Cavendish, 2013

The Emerging Leader: stepping up in leadership.
By Peter Shaw and Colin Shaw. Norwich: Canterbury Press, 2013

Leading in Demanding Times.
By Peter Shaw and Graham Shaw. Cambridge: Grove

Getting the Balance Right: leading and managing well.
By Peter Shaw. London: Marshall Cavendish, 2013

Thriving in Your Work: how to be motivated and do well in challenging times.
By Peter Shaw. London: Marshall Cavendish, 2011

The Reflective Leader: standing still to move forward.
By Peter Shaw and Alan Smith. Norwich: Canterbury Press, 2011

Defining Moments: navigating through business and organisational life.
By Peter Shaw. Basingstoke: Palgrave/Macmillan, 2010

Raise Your Game: how to succeed at work.
By Peter Shaw. Chichester: Capstone, 2009

Making Difficult Decisions: how to be decisive and get the business done.
By Peter Shaw. Chichester: Capstone, 2008

Business Coaching: achieving practical results through effective engagement.
By Peter Shaw and Robin Linnecar. Chichester: Capstone, 2007

Finding Your Future: the second time around.
By Peter Shaw. London: Darton, Longman and Todd, 2006

The Four Vs of Leadership: vision, values, value-added, and vitality.
By Peter Shaw. Chichester: Capstone, 2006

Conversation Matters: how to engage effectively with one another.
By Peter Shaw. London: Continuum, 2005


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